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Imagine reports stable ABCs for Xbox portfolio

Magazine publisher says it's optimistic despite "very challenging market"

Imagine Publishing has posted ABC results for some of its gaming magazine portfolio, indicating a stable performance from its Xbox 360 titles.

X360, the company's flagship Xbox 360 title, recorded a marginally increased ABC of 26,092 according to the latest figures - a 0.1 per cent increase from 26,068 in the six months ending December 2008. Meanwhile its other unofficial Xbox 360 title, 360, saw an 11.4 per cent drop in sales, from 12,939 to 11,518.

With a rise from 13 issues to 17 issues per annum for 360, the magazine still saw an overall sales increase though - with Imagine's combined monthly Xbox 360 magazine circulation now standing at 37,610.

The publisher declined to reveal figures for its Games TM and Total PC Gaming titles, as well as Play, which it says is on a 12-month audit.

"It’s great to see we are growing our Xbox 360 reader base and are still the number one choice for the independent Xbox market," commented Imagine advertising manager James Haley.

"Videogames is a very challenging market at the moment - the closure of Future’s PSW highlights this. Our results are extremely encouraging, offering a solid, transparent platform for our advertisers to showcase their products and engage with their target market at a critical time in the year."

Earlier this month, Future Publishing announced it wouldn't be posting ABCs for the period January - June 2009 due to cost-cutting measures.

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