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Imagine defends lack of ABC results for games magazines

Speaking to <i></i>, Imagine MD Damian Butt has defended the company's decision not to release six month ABC results for gaming magazines Play and Games TM.

Speaking to, Imagine MD Damian Butt has defended the company's decision not to release six month ABC results for gaming magazines Play and Games TM.

"There's no great mystery to the ABCs, though I would imagine some people would like everyone to think there is to deflect attention from their results," Butt said.

"In terms of ABCs, the majority of titles acquired from Highbury were either on or moving to annual ABCs, and actually it's something I encourage, because it gives a more reliable long term view of the magazine market and helps smooth out seasonal variations like the World Cup and summer.

"Most of the main entertainment magazines are on annual ABCs, so it makes sense for videogames titles to be on the same basis."

Imagine's biggest rival, Future Publishing, disagrees however. Last week, the company released six monthly figures for its games magazines, showing a drop in sales for both official and unofficial titles.

A spokesperson told "For reasons best known to themselves, Imagine have chosen to switch to an annual ABC result for those particular titles.

"Unless Imagine post late ABC figures for these magazines, it isn't possible to compare their performance to other titles who announced their ABC audit yesterday. Because GamesTM and Play haven't posted audited figures, the world outside of Imagine cannot see how they are truly fairing."

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Ellie Gibson: Ellie spent nearly a decade working at Eurogamer, specialising in hard-hitting executive interviews and nob jokes. These days she does a comedy show and podcast. She pops back now and again to write the odd article and steal our biscuits.
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