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IGDA launches scholarship program

The IGDA has launched its Student Scholarship Program for GDC '08

The IGDA has launched its Student Scholarship Program for GDC '08.

Twenty-five qualified students will be awarded complimentary "Main Conference" passes to the 2008 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

Applicants are required to be full-time college students, or equivalent, and IGDA student members. Scholarship applications will be judged by a panel of professional game developers.

Judges will consider criteria such as relevance, initiative, special circumstances, and communication. The self-described "tilt factor" is, overall, whether or not "it seems like the student would be fun and interesting to have around at GDC."

Full details can be found online at the IGDA's website.

The deadline to apply is December 7, 2007. Recipients will be announced in mid-January.

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