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Humble Bundle expands "choose your own charity" feature to all bundles

"Will allow our community to support the causes that personally matter to them"

Last month Humble Bundle introduced a "choose your own charity" feature, now it's opening that feature up to all its bundles, giving consumers the chance to benefit their favourite causes.

"We wanted to test the Choose Your Own Charity feature on the Humble Store and after a warm reception and seeing users actively choosing their own charities, we decided to expand it to bundles as well. This fits nicely with our tradition of trying to empower users by giving them control over their digital distribution experience," Humble Bundle co-founder John Graham told

"I believe we have about 35,000 charities integrated and counting thanks to our integration with the PayPal Giving Fund. I think we will see stronger engagement from users that are charity minded and perhaps that may cause higher price points as well."

Humble Bundle has raised more than $64 million (£40 million) for charities so far, and the extension of the "choose your own charity" feature will only help that to grow. Humble Bundle uses PayPal Giving Fund's new platform which includes over 10,000 UK charities and 25,000 US charities.

“We're delighted to be helping Humble Bundle support thousands of charities enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund. Their innovative pricing model, together with the ability for customers to choose their favourite causes, should be a winning combination for gamers that want to do good," added CEO of PayPal Giving Fund Nick Aldridge.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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