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Honeyslug founders go their separate ways

But: "We have no plans to close Honeyslug"

The three founders of Honeyslug, an indie studio which specialised in delighting with the abstract and obscure, have announced that they're calling it quits, although the studio will remain open to port existing games to new platforms and offer post-sales support.

In a public post, co-founders Ricky Haggett, Mark Inman and Nat Marco explained the decision to move on.

"We started Honeyslug seven years ago?! Wow! Seems a long time ago now, although some of the memories of starting out with just the 3 of us in a small room are still fresh in our minds. It's been a winding road, and along the way we released around a dozen games on almost as many different platforms, in collaboration with a load of super talented and lovely people - we're really happy with how we spent our time!

"But over time things change, and people start to move in slightly different directions: This summer, the three founders of Honeyslug decided that the time had come to go our separate ways - split up the band and pursue solo careers (until we reunite for the lucrative sell-out 25th Anniversary Tour of course!). Don't worry! We're all going to keep making games and you'll be hearing much more about that in due course.

"We have no plans to close Honeyslug: lots of people love the games we've made and Honeyslug will stay in business to make sure that they can keep doing so - it's likely you'll be seeing some of them reach new audiences on new platforms in the future."

The team's most recent title was Hohokum, a perfect example of Honeyslug's colourful and imaginative surrealism for Sony, with whom the studio worked very closely. Whilst the three have yet to announce what they'll be doing next, they've told fans to keep a close eye on the Honeyslug Twitter account for news.

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