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HMV's head of PR departs

Gennaro Castaldo leaves retailer to join the BPI

HMV's head of press and PR Gennaro Castaldo is leaving the company after 28 years to join the British record industry's trade association the BPI.

"Leaving HMV is the hardest decision I've ever had to make," he told GamesIndustry International.

"After 27 wonderful years I've come to love this company and all the people here. I will also miss fantastic associates within the wider games and entertainment industry, who I have really enjoyed working with and who have been so helpful and supportive towards me."

"But with things looking much brighter here now and with a new team in place I figured the time was about right to leave (finally!), and I'm really looking forward to taking up the exciting new challenge at the BPI."

Castaldo joined HMV in 1985 and as in his time there also built up an impressive record of charitable work, including setting up the retailer's annual 5-a-side football tournament.

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