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Google gaming tsar gone after four months

Developer advocate DeLoura steps down just a week after GDC Europe appearance

Google's games boss Mark DeLoura has stepped down after just four months at the company.

Mark DeLoura became the web goliath's developer advocate for games in April - the latest addition to an impressive CV, following roles at Sony, Nintendo, Ubisoft and Zoo Games.

Last night, he revealed that he was moving on, claiming that Google "was not the perfect fit for me." No further information about his departure was offered, though he praised both his erstwhile colleagues and Google's plans for Chrome Web Store and native client browser gaming.

"The web feels like it is blossoming open with this next wave of technologies," he wrote on his personal blog, "moving past its history as a markup language wrapped around text and toward a fully interactive platform for applications."

However, he also goes on to praise another of competitor technologies, such as Microsoft and Apple's work in mobile and browsers - which perhaps may be a hint of any future plans.

DeLoura, who at GDC Europe last week had led an engaging talk on Google's plans for the Web Store, also apologised for getting behind on correspondence. "I’ve been pretty lousy at replying back or staying in touch due to how busy I was. Sorry about that! I’ve found that increasingly my inbox overwhelms my ability to get work done, so I hope to do more tweeting and blogging in the future to help with that."

DeLoura did not reveal what his "next adventure" would be.

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Alec Meer avatar
Alec Meer: A 10-year veteran of scribbling about video games, Alec primarily writes for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, but given any opportunity he will escape his keyboard and mouse ghetto to write about any and all formats.
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