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Georgia's Governor passes videogame tax credits

The state offers at least a 20 per cent tax credit for entertainment productions, including videogames

Georgia's Governor, Sonny Perdue, has signed into law the 2008 Entertainment Industry Investment Act - legislation designed to encourage growth in its local entertainment industry.

The Act offers a 20 per cent tax credit for productions - including TV, film, music videos, commercials and videogames - which are then eligible for an additional 10 percent tax credit if they include an animated Georgia promotional logo within the finished product.

"We expect a significant increase in film and television projects, and Georgia will be the most competitive state in the country for video game productions," stated Bill Thompson, deputy commissioner of the Film, Music and Digital Entertainment Office, a division of the Georgia Department of Economic Development .

"Georgia is one of the few states whose entertainment incentives support the video game industry," Thompson said.

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