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Gates bills Halo 3 as PS3 killer

As the battle of the next-gen consoles truly gets underway, Bill Gates has revealed what he believes is Microsoft's secret weapon - the third instalment in the Halo series, to be launched simultaneously with Sony's PS3.

As the battle of the next-gen consoles truly gets underway, Bill Gates has revealed what he believes is Microsoft's secret weapon - the third instalment in the Halo series, to be launched simultaneously with PS3.

That's according to an article in Time magazine, which this week depicts Gates holding an Xbox 360 on the cover. The article reads: "Note to the hardcore faithful: the next version of Halo will not, repeat not, be ready in time for the launch of Xbox 360. It will be part of the all-important second wave next spring.

""It's perfect," Gates says, radiant with bloodlust. "The day Sony launches [PS3], and they walk right into Halo 3.""

Providing Sony does indeed launch PS3 next spring, of course. CFO Takao Yuhara was recently quoted as saying "For the year end sales season, simultaneously building up both the PSP as well as the next-generation PlayStation is one option that we have" - suggesting that the console could launch by this Christmas.

All should be revealed at Sony's pre-E3 press conference, which kicks off today at 11PM UK time.

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Ellie Gibson: Ellie spent nearly a decade working at Eurogamer, specialising in hard-hitting executive interviews and nob jokes. These days she does a comedy show and podcast. She pops back now and again to write the odd article and steal our biscuits.