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GamePolitics shutting down

Entertainment Consumers Association pulls the plug on specialist gaming site after 11 years

Another specialist gaming site is shutting down. GamePolitics managing editor James Fudge today announced that after 11 years, the straight-forwardly named site devoted to the intersection of video games and politics will be going offline for good.

"We did not make this decision lightly and have agonized over the direction of the site for months," Fudge said. "Ultimately we decided that it was not fair to our readers to give them less than 100 percent, and that is something we haven't been able to do for several months due to outside commitments required to make a living and feed our families."

The site will no longer be updated as of April 18, and will go dark shortly thereafter.

GamePolitics was founded by Dennis McCauley in 2005 as a side gig to his work at the Philadelphia Enquirer, and was acquired by the Entertainment Consumers Association late the next year. The site chronicled a flurry of attempts by US politicians to legislate violent and/or sexually explicit games at the time, most notably a California bill that prompted the Supreme Court's 2011 decision affirming First Amendment protections for video games.

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Brendan Sinclair: Brendan joined in 2012. Based in Toronto, Ontario, he was previously senior news editor at GameSpot.
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