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Four new top ten entries can't shift FIFA from UK #1

Alien, Drive Club, Skylanders and NBA 2K15 all breach charts

Four new entries in the UK's top ten retail sales chart have failed to topple EA's FIFA 15 from a third week at number one, despite the football sim shedding another 60 per cent of sales this week.

The highest new entry was SEGA's Alien: Isolation, coming in at second. Shadows of Mordor holds on to third below that, whilst Forza Horizon 2 staves off a challenge from Drive Club to keep fourth just ahead of its rival's fifth. In sixth, Destiny precedes two more new entries in the shape of Skylanders Trap Team and NBA 2K15.

Super Smash Bros. and the PlayStation edition of Minecraft close out the top ten.

All charts courtesy of UKIE and Chart-Track.

Last Week This Week Title
1 1 FIFA 15
New Entry 2 Alien: Isolation
2 3 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
3 4 Forza Horizon 2
New Entry 5 Drive Club
5 6 Destiny
New Entry 7 Skylanders Trap Team
New Entry 8 NBA 2K15
4 9 Super Smash Bros.
6 10 MineCraft: PlayStation Edition

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