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Forza Motorsport 4 races into pole position

New Spider-Man, Spyro, Ace Combat and Dead Rising miss top ten spots on release

Forza Motorsport 4 has knocked FIFA 12 off the top spot by just 700 sales, making it the biggest launch week ever for a racing game on Xbox 360.

There are six other new entries making their debut in the top 20 this week too, with Just Dance 3 moving into third place, Pro Evolution Soccer arriving at number 5 and Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge taking advantage of the current hype around the sport to enter at 10.

There were a number of big names that failed to break the top ten on release, including Namco's Ace Combat: Assault Horizon at 12, Dead Rising 2: Off The Record at 14 and Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure at 16. Spider-Man: Edge Of Time only managed number 39 in its first week.

Last Week This Week Title
New entry 1 Forza Motorsport 4
1 2 FIFA 12
New entry 3 Just Dance 3
2 4 RAGE
New entry 5 Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
4 6 Gears Of War 3
3 7 Dark Souls
6 8 Zumba Fitness
5 9 F1 2011
New entry 10 Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge
8 11 Deus Ex: Human Revolution
New entry 12 Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
9 13 LEGO Pirates Of The Carribean
New entry 14 Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
7 15 Dead Island
New entry 16 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
10 17 Resistance 3
11 18 Driver: San Francisco
22 19 Mario Kart Wii
14 20 Rugby World Cup 2011

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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