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Flyff: Fly for Fun

Some background details on the story of Desmodon.

DUBLIN, Ireland � March 22nd, 2010 �The gPotato team is preparing the launch of the next Flyff expansion Act VI: In Between Heaven And Hell, which was announced recently. To speed up your waiting time, we would like to tell you the story of Desmodon and how it all began.

Deep in the Valley of the Risen there is a stone gate, an entrance that no one ever saw before. Only a group of Heroes will be able to open these massive doors. But where will the gate lead? Some say it might be the new dungeon, the Dreadful Cave. But how was it possible to discover the new region shortly after the discovery of Harmonin?

�It all began when Desmodon prepared for war, not only against the 3 Aspects, but against Rhisis herself, to become the undisputed ruler of Madrigal. To achieve his ambitions, he harvested souls from the battlefields and dungeons of Madrigal and forced them to stay in their rotten bodies, bound to an unholy existence as undead. Desmodon hid them away in the shadows of the Istia canyons. He created a magical barrier of rocks and �cursed chains� to shield their presence from the gods so he could prepare his invasion in secret.

However Desmodon was a fool. The gods had their eyes and ears on every move he made and his treacherous undertakings did not go unnoticed. But instead of confronting him, they kept him in the dark about their knowledge and waited for their chance to take over his army of undead one day.

So when Harmon Khalder started his mission to explore new territories, Shade seized the opportunity and helped him on his way to Harmonin. Once discovered, Harmonin would attract mighty heroes from all over Madrigal, who would hunt down and kill the Vampire Lord, who was hiding safely inside his underground lair, the �Aminus Dungeon�. After he was killed, the magical barrier was dispelled and Shade took control of Desmodon's army of the undead, unleashing hell's fury upon all of mankind.�

Now the time has come to gather all forces of Madrigal to fight against the undead army to help Madrigal and their inhabitants to survive. Put on your armour and prepare yourself to face the evil!

Join the huge Flyff community: all you have to do is to register for free on the portal, download the game and start playing. It�s never been easier to meet new friends and to play a game with a long storyline together.

About Flyff

Flyff: Fly For Fun is a free manga-style flying MMORPG game developed by Aeonsoft and published across Europe in French and German. It is available to play at the gaming portal.

Set in the land of Madrigal, Flyff allows players to become an adventurer and explore the world by land or by air. With hordes of monsters and intriguing mysters to resolve, it gives players a diverse and thrilling adventure. With over 120 levels, players will be able to fly freely on a broomstick, hoverboard and a variety of other methods. Players can register and download this free MMO game at the official European website ���

About Gala Networks Europe Ltd. &

Gala Networks Europe Ltd. is a leading European free-to-play online games publisher. It operates the gPotato brand in Europe by hosting, publishing and distributing free online games through the�portal.�Established in Dublin, Ireland in 2006, it operates a portfolio of MMORPGs including Flyff, Rappelz, Street Gears, Dragonica, Allods Online, Castle of Heroes and Canaan Online. The portal is now a major destination for online gamers with over 3 million users. An eighth game, currently going under the working title �Project 9� will be released during 2010. Further information on the company can be found at

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