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iPhone fireworks sim that's also playable for free online.

FireCraft is all about building your own Firework Rockets and giving amazing Firework-Shows. FireCraft is available for the iPhone/iPad and can also be played for free online:

FireCraft Trailer:

To create rockets is simple. The player can fill an empty rocket with various “bullets”. Every bullet has a specific behavior. There are bullets for the thrust and others for sparkles, glitter or various explosions. The bullets are also available in ten different colors. The interesting thing about this system is, that the player has countless possibilities to combine the bullets and can thus create individual rockets.

When a Rocket is built, it can be tested and be saved for firework shows. When giving a shows, all the saved rockets can be launched to delight the audience and the player gets rewarded with cash. The cash can be used to buy new bullets, bigger rockets and new locations for shows.

FireCraft for iPhone and iPod

FireCraft Lit e for iPhone and iPod

FireCraft HD for iPad

FireCraft Online: A free to play version of FireCraft can be played at:

About games2be

games2be GmbH is a new independent Swiss game developer founded in summer 2010.

games2be wants to discover new game-concepts and new playgrounds. The focus lies on easy to pick up fun games on various platforms (Facebook, iPhone etc.) suitable for the whole family.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.




Feel free to use our media-kit for FireCraft, it contains: Screenshots, additional artwork and of course the original youtube-trailer. (20mb)  

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