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Fiksu analysis shows Android and iOS CPI still converging

iOS costs up 25% YoY as Android drops by same amount

Cost-per-install analysis from Fiksu has shown that Android and iOS costs are converging, shifting radically from where they were a year ago.

Android costs are up slightly from last month, at $1.16 per install, whilst iOS has crept over the dollar mark for the first time in a few months, settling at $1.01. Fiksu's Glen Kiladis says that this could be a good time to capitalise on fresh hardware and the festive market by investing extra ad cash into Android.

"As the holidays approach and mobile app marketers gear up to increase spending on their mobile games, it might be a good time to consider allocating some of that holiday budget to Android," he said.

"Fiksu's CPI index, which measures the cost per app install directly attributed to advertising, showed Android games costs in October were down 25 per cent compared to the same month last year, coming in at $1.16. On iOS, meanwhile, it was the complete reverse. iOS games CPI for the month of October was $1.01, and despite that being less than Android during the same month, it was 25% higher than iOS costs from one year ago."

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