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FIFA 08 tops ChartTrack

The most recent ChartTrack data shows Electronic Arts' FIFA 08 claiming the number one spot on the All Formats chart

The most recent ChartTrack data shows Electronic Arts' FIFA 08 claiming the number one spot on the All Formats chart.

FIFA holds the number one spot in the PS2, PS3, PSP and Wii Charts, with the PS2 version also overtaking Halo 3 as this week's Individual Formats (Units) number one.

This is the third year in a row that FIFA topped the All Formats Chart for week number 40.

According to ChartTrack, sales of Halo 3 have dropped 79 per cent. Halo 3 remains in second place on the All Formats chart.

Rounding out the Top 10 titles on the All Format chart are Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, MySims, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08, More Brain Training from Dr. Kawashima, Sega Rally, Ratatouille, Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, and Forza Motorsport 2.

Electronic Arts announced that FIFA 08 has sold over one million units at retail across all formats during its first week in Europe. The game will be released in North America on October 9th.

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