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Evolve takes UK retail #1

Majora's Mask and Monster Hunter also hit top 5

Take Two's Evolve has broken a long dry spell for UK retail releases and taken the nation's number one spot, heading up a refreshed top five which also show's the effects of Nintendo's New 3DS launch.

The remake of Majora's Mask takes second for Nintendo, whilst heavy promotion for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare keeps it in third, above Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. GTA V takes an appropriate fifth place.

Drilling down by platform sees Zelda selling biggest, followed by Evolve on Xbox One then Evolve on PS4, Monster Hunter on 3DS and CoD on PS4.

All data courtesy of UKIE and Gfk Chart-Track.

Last Week This Week Title
New Entry 1 Evolve
New entry 2 Majora's Mask
1 3 Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare
New Entry 4 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
2 5 GTA V
3 6 FIFA 15
9 7 Far Cry 4
5 8 Minecraft : Xbox Edition
4 9 Assassin's Creed: Unity
7 10 Destiny

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