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ESA's Gallagher upbeat in E3 keynote

Families, social networking and media synergy discussed in E3 speech

The games industry's "best, brightest, and boldest days lie ahead," according to ESA (Entertainment Software Association) president Michael Gallagher in his keynote address at the opening of E3.

As reported by GameSpot, Gallagher commented on the recent fall in sales in the US, but insisted that gaming is coping better than many other media industries. He also referred to a recent Nielsen report which showed that in December only the four largest US TV networks accounted for a greater number of total entertainment hours than gaming.

Gallagher suggested that families offered the greatest potential for gaming growth, with games offering better value for money than movies and other entertainment. He also identified social gaming as equally important, with companies in an "arms race" to increase the size of their communities.

Other key topics were the increasing synergy between videogames and movies, with both Steven Spielberg and James Cameron already having given prominent speeches at E3. Gallagher also discussed greater involvement with the music industry, via games such as The Beatles: Rock Band.

Turning to the subject of interacting with the US government, Gallagher praised the input of Texas governor Rick Perry while also talking up the ESA's Video Game Voters Network. He suggested that the recent vetoing of an anti-games bill in Utah was directly attributable to the network.

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