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ESA responds to Obama's calls for stronger data privacy laws

"Consumers need to be protected from illegal, malicious botnets and denial-of-service attacks"

The president and CEO of the Entertainment Software Association has shared the organization's response to President Obama's data security proposals.

"Cyber attacks threaten our country's security and prosperity. We commend President Obama's leadership in providing law enforcement the tools necessary to detect and prosecute organized digital crime," said Michael D. Gallagher.

"Consumers need to be protected from illegal, malicious botnets and denial-of-service attacks. They deserve to enjoy an innovative and dynamic Internet free of this criminal activity. The Entertainment Software Association will work with the White House and Congressional leaders to fine tune these proposals and help enhance penalties for those who inflict consumer damage on a mass scale."

President Obama spoke at The Federal Trade Commission on Monday and called for stronger data privacy laws.

"As we've all been reminded over the past year, including the hack of Sony, this extraordinary interconnection creates enormous opportunities, but also creates enormous vulnerabilities for us as a nation and for our economy, and for individual families," he said.

"This is a direct threat to the economic security of American families and we need to stop it... If we are going to be connected, we need to be protected."

A full video of his speech is available below.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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