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Enzyme Labs Introduces Large Scale Video Game Testing Capabilities

Enzyme Labs continues worldwide growth with new scalable state-of-the art video game testing and employee training facility

Caplan (Quebec), March 27, 2006 - Enzyme Labs, a global leader specialized in multilingual game testing, localization and technical support services announced today the introduction of a new video game testing and training facility located in Caplan, Quebec. The fully secure state-of-the art facility can accommodate over 300 video game testers and is specifically designed for providing quality assurance services to the industry's largest video game publishers and developers. In addition the facility will serve as Enzyme Labs central training facility for specialized technical testers and project managers.

"Globally, we now have some of the most enviable installations and scalable facilities specifically designed to undertake massive video game testing projects from the world's largest video game publishers and developers. We will immediately train and add about 50 full-time employees to bring our current number of full-time testers close to two hundred," said Yan Cyr, President and CEO of Enzyme Labs. " In addition, because this facility is also our main technical training centre, we can train and have available several hundred testers very rapidly to meet the demand of very large projects," added Cyr.

The Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications, a shareholder in Enzyme Labs has provided the company with additional capital to support the project. "Enzyme Labs, in operation for only three years, has far exceeded our expectations for growth and has become a global leader in multilingual game testing. For this reason we felt strongly about supporting this strategic initiative that enables the company to access new customers," said Pierre Curzi, Chairman of the FICC board of directors.

About Enzyme Labs

Founded in 2002, Enzyme Labs is a dedicated multilingual game testing company with secure facilities that helps video game publishers and developers reduce production costs, enhance the gaming experience and shorten time to market by providing multi-platform world class pre-certification, functionality, game-play, compatibility, MMOG, localization and technical support services. Enzyme Labs is an Official Game Test Vendor for Microsoft Xbox TM and Xbox 360 TM, and a certified game testing facility for NintendoTM and SonyTM video game products.

About Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications

Created in 1997, the Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications (FICC), a limited partnership, was the first venture capital investment fund in Canada to specialize exclusively in service to the Quebec cultural and communication industries. It is backed by two sponsoring partners, the Fonds de Solidarité FTQ and the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), and three managing partners, Union des Artistes (UDA), the Quebec Musicians Guild and Union des écrivaines and écrivains québécois (UNEQ). FICC offers strategic partnerships for companies in the publishing, audiovisual production, sound recording, performing arts, new media and arts and crafts industries. Its initiatives are designed to spur the development and growth of Quebec 's cultural enterprises.

For additional Information please contact:

Yan Cyr

President and CEO

Tel. 450. 229.9999 ext. 121


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