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Electronic Game Show dates and venue confirmed

The World Trade Centre in Mexico City will play host to the fourth annual Electronic Game Show from 21st - 23rd October. Organisers are expecting an attendance of more than 30,000 visitors over the three day event.

The World Trade Centre in Mexico City will play host to the fourth annual Electronic Game Show from 21st - 23rd October. Organisers are expecting an attendance of more than 30,000 visitors over the three day event.

The annual event, which this year will host the Grand National Finals for the World Cyber Games Festival, will be the first chance for Mexican gamers to see over thirty in-development software titles from companies including EA, Ubisoft, Konami, Namco, THQ and Atari, amongst many others. Winners of the World Cyber Games finals will have the opportunity to represent Mexico in the Grand Finals, to be held in Singapore.

In addition to promoting the release of new titles from major publishers and enhancing the growth of the games market in Mexico, the 2005 EGS will feature a strong emphasis on anti-piracy, with rewards and discounted tickets available in exchange for legitimate software purchases.

Visitors who produce videogame software proof of purchase receipts to retailers participating in the 'Take Control' anti-piracy initiative will be eligible for a range of benefits and rewards, including discounted entry to the show, VIP access, and various retail discounts on new titles. The Take Control initiative was launched on September 15th to combat the spiralling software piracy in Mexico, and will be a central part of the show's focus for consumers, retailers and publishers alike.

Jorge Lizarraga, CEO of event organisers Oelli, stated: "This year, the EGS will showcase more than 30 titles in development and not available to the general public. This consolidates the EGS as a videogame industry backed and supported event."

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