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EA: Spore has gone gold

Much anticipated sim-everything title will see a Europe, US and Asia Pacific release in early September

Electronic Arts and Maxis have announced that Spore has gone gold and will be available for the Mac and PC at retailers September 5 in Europe and September 7 in North America and Asia Pacific, along with Spore Creatures for Nintendo DS and Spore Origins for mobile phones.

"We are so excited to finally get Spore into the hands of fans and players," said Lucy Bradshaw, executive producer of Spore at Maxis.

"The Maxis studio has had an absolute blast creating Spore, but the fun is just beginning. The most engaging stories are truly the ones people create themselves, and we can't wait to see how players not only craft and explore the Spore universe, but hear what stories they have to tell as a result."

Earlier this year Maxis released the Spore Creature Creator - the part of the game showing off the creature design tools. Within a day EA reported that 250,000 creatures had been created and uploaded to its Spore community website. By the end of its first week the figure reached 1 million and the Spore Creature Creator was the top of the US software chart.

Spore is also set to be followed by TV and Movie adaptations, according to its creator Will Wright, who said EA was looking to appeal "to a much wider group of people than would ever play a computer game".

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