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EA ponders premium pricing for 3D games

Riccitiello doesn't expect 3D success in 2010, but considers retail hike in 2011

Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello has suggested that the company may consider charging extra for games that "better support" 3D technology.

Speaking at an executive briefing at E3, as reported by website CVG, Riccitello commented: "3D may well be one of the next and most important drivers for growth. [That's] yet to be seen and I don't think it's a 2010 story in any way, shape or form... in a meaningful way."

In this respect his comment echo those of Microsoft UK boss Neil Thompson, who dismissed 3D as "an interesting technology of the future" but currently too expensive for mass market adoption.

However, Riccitiello went further: "As we move through 2011, 2012, it's likely to be an opportunity both for additional growth and perhaps premium pricing for titles that better support 3D."

EA is the first publisher to suggest that 3D titles should be priced higher than normal releases, but it is unclear how seriously Riccitiello was considering the idea.

The first 3D compatible game from EA will be Crytek's Crysis 2, which was demonstrated at the recently concluded E3 2010 event in Los Angeles.

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