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E3 report details less risk, more movement from Asian companies

DFC Intelligence comments on growing risk aversion of major publishers in gaming world

In DFC Intelligence's yearly report on E3, the analysts are saying that popular opinion of this year's show seems to be on the money. Companies such as Nintendo, Microsoft and larger publishers were all incredibly risk-averse to new IPs. In fact, DFC believes the caution has much to do with the growing trends in mobile and social gaming, a space that companies such as Gree are quickly filling.

"Nintendo was very cautious about what they announced at this year's E3," said DFC Intelligence CEO David Cole. "Not only did they not announce many specifics about the Wii U, but they did not even show the new 3DS XL portable system which is launching this summer."

The report also notes that Ubisoft and Sony Computer Entertainment might be bucking the trend; both groups announced new IPs and got great hype. "This year it seemed to be all about sequels to core franchises," said DFC analyst Jeremy Miller. "Ubisoft and Sony Computer Entertainment seemed to be the only companies taking risks on new platforms and new IP."

Of course, the rising stars in the industry seem to be coming out of the Asian markets, where mobile and social developers made a huge splash at E3 this year. DFC estimates that the trend will likely become a major staple of E3.

"One of the biggest trends we saw was successful companies from Asia making major statements that they plan to expand to North America. These are potential major players that are still relatively unknown to the E3 audience," said Cole.

The full report will be available to anyone signing up for the beta version of the DFC dossier.

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.