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E3 "half a show" without Sony/Microsoft next-gen consoles, says EA

This transitional year gives an opportunity for third-parties to stand out

For many, this E3 has been something of a disappointment without any information on the next home consoles from Microsoft and Sony. EA Labels president Frank Gibeau explains that third parties capturing the attention this year is simply part of the cycle.

"It's fairly natural, like with the PS2 to PS3 transition, and PSOne to PS2, that year before the big change. And the Wii U is really just the first opening act of the next-gen cycle shift," Gibeau told CVG. "You're only really getting half a show this year. You're getting Wii U but you're not getting the other half of the story so it's a bit awkward."

"Within that context I think a lot of the third-parties definitely stand out and command more of the spotlight because it's a clear and more broad-based message," he noted.

While there have been some projects announced that definitely seem to be targeting the next-gen, Gibeau "didn't think it was the right time" for EA to show off its own next-gen titles.

"It's better to show something of substance. Gamers are smart and they'll figure out if what you're showing is a pre-rendered movie, they'll be able to diagnose and pick it apart," said Gibeau. "That's one of the things we did last year with the Battlefield 3 trailer - we very consciously put out a 14 minute sequence of gameplay."

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David Radd: David Radd has worked as a gaming journalist since 2004 at sites such as GamerFeed, Gigex and GameDaily Biz. He was previously senior editor at IndustryGamers.
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