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E3 announces conference program for 2004 Expo

A partial line-up of speakers and events for the E3 2004 conference program has been announced, with some of the biggest names in the games industry set to speak on a wide variety of key topics over the three day conference.

A partial line-up of speakers and events for the E3 2004 conference program has been announced, with some of the biggest names in the games industry set to speak on a wide variety of key topics over the three day conference.

Among the most notable speakers at the event are Prince of Persia creator Jordan Mechner, Sims creator Will Wright, Ultima creator Richard Garriott (now at NCsoft), Oddworld Inhabitants' Lorne Lanning, Shiny Entertainment boss Dave Perry and of course, what conference program would be complete without Lionhead's Peter Molyneux?

A series of workshops will run on Tuesday, May 11th, while other sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, with the conference program divided up into three tracks- the Business track, the Development track and the Online/Mobile track.

Although several speakers and sessions have yet to be announced, a number of fascinating looking sessions and workshops are already on the list - including a workshop intriguingly titled "How to Identify AAA Games - Ahead of their Release Date", a session on collaborating with the movie, music and TV industries, a session on the importance of the "modding renaissance" and, topically, a session on "Surviving as an Independent Studio."

You can find a full list of the currently planned events in the conference program on the newly launched E3 2004 website: Further details of the conference are expected to be announced in the run up to the event in May.

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Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.