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DSi tops Japanese hardware chart

Region's market sees a resurgent PlayStation 3 following high profile game releases

Nintendo's DSi, has debuted at the top spot in the Japanese hardware chart for the week ended November 2, according to figures provided by media create.

The new iteration on Nintendo's handheld sold 171,952 units in its first week on sale, followed by the Sony's PlayStation Portable in second place with 50,358 units.

Following weeks of languishing at the bottom of the chart, Sony's PlayStation 3 has surged up to third place spurred on by sales of Grand Theft Auto IV and LittleBigPlanet with 39,587 unit sales.

Nintendo's Wii came in fourth with 23,123 units, with the DS Lite dropping to fifth with 16,360 units. The PlayStation 2 trailed behind at 6,714 units coming in sixth, followed closely by the Xbox 360 at seventh with 6,119 units.

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