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DSi continues Japanese dominance

Sales continue to outpace those of rival PSP, while DS Lite continues to decline down the chart

Nintendo's DSi has continued to far outpace its rivals in terms of sales, taking the top spot on the Japanese hardware chart for the week ended November 09, according to data provided by Media Create.

The latest iteration on the Nintendo DS handheld secured its place with 104,897 unit sales, with its predecessor the DS Lite trailing behind at 8381 units.

Sony's PlayStation Portable was the next highest selling piece of hardware at 43,726 units and is followed by the Wii at 24,726 units.

PlayStation 3 sales continued to overtake those of its rival Xbox 360, with 18,354 units and 12,759 units respectively.

Closing off the chart was the PlayStation 2, which continues to see sales in the thousands with 5743 units.

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