Dragon Soul
A free MMO with "Dragon" in the title.
The world of “DragonSoul“ ( http://www.dragonsoulonline.com) is torn – eight enemy kingdoms have been at war with one another for years, and the land is suffering. Only with their combined force players can bring back justice and order. Battling for the reign over the eight kingdoms, countless adventures and player-vs-player (PvP) battles expect the player in the massively multiplayer online role-play game (MMORPG) “DragonSoul”. Completely free of charge! An innovative politics system broadens the free-to-play title’s PvP gameplay by a higher shared goal: securing the own king’s reign by competing with the other empires.
Eight kingdoms at War: Only the Strongest will rule
At the beginning of the game, players can choose one out of eight kingdoms. In epic PvP battles, their competence and ability to cooperate with other players of their kingdom decide on any future events in “DragonSoul”. Finally, the eight enemy kingdoms will meet in the central lowlands and settle the matter of reign over the “DragonSoul” world in a never ending battle.
Intrigues and Alliances: Dynamic Politics System provides ongoing Gaming Fun
With regularly happening elections players of all kingdoms can cast their votes for their favoured king candidate and thus have crucial influence on the happenings in “DragonSoul” ( http://www.dragonsoulonline.com). Organised in brotherhoods and families as well as guilds, groups form which strive for the crown together. The inferior fractions can unite as an opposition and fight the ruling alliance together.
Thus, the classic PvP gameplay will be enlarged by a common goal, and players can actively contribute to shaping the dynamic game world from day to day. The politics system represents a main feature of the game and offers an honourable goal which motivates strongly even after a long period of time.
Classic MMO-Elements combined with innovative Social Features:
The MMORPG „DragonSoul“ ( http://www.dragonsoulonline.com) published by Neonga uses a graphics engine especially developed for this game which makes it possible to display the enormous battles between the enemy kingdoms in high resolution 3D graphics. With a lovingly created and seamlessly merging game world, over 2,000 weapon- and armour parts as well as six different climes with changing weather effects, “DragonSoul” leaves virtually nothing to be desired by ambitious MMO players. Reams of quests for solo players, groups, alliances and the individual empires complete the picture and provide persistent gaming fun with an additional diversity of activities such as the cultivation of crops and mining of resources, the upbringing of pets and a versatile crafting and upgrade system.
“DragonSoul“ is being operated in the so-called free-to-play business model. This way, players are able to download the software free of charge and are not forced to pay for playing either. A so-called item shop is connected to the game which enables people to stock up on various premium items which help to boost the Avatar´s abilities and equipment or level up faster.
“DragonSoul“ ( http://www.dragonsoulonline.com) is currently in the middle of the final preparations for the closed beta test phase. Players are now able to register for free at http://www.dragonsoulonline.com and will be invited to play not later than at the start of the open beta test phase which is planned for the second quarter of 2011.
About Neonga AG
Neonga AG is a publisher of free-to-play Massively Multiplayer Online Games. These are offered free of charge as PC downloads, browser games, in Facebook or to be played on mobile handsets. The games are associated with "Item Shops" where players can acquire specific premium goods. The company was founded in Berlin in July 2010. The board consists of Rolf Kloeppel (CEO), Benjamin Kaiser (CTO), Stefan Hinz (CMO), Ralf Kloeppel (CFO), Markus Melching (COO) and Bjoern Koschin (CAO).
About Giant Interactive:
Giant Interactive is one of China's leading online game developers and operators in terms of market share. It´s mainly focus on massively multiplayer online, or MMO, games that are played through networked game servers in which tens of thousands of players are able to simultaneously connect and interact. Many of their games are designed on a “Free-To-Play” model, by which users can access a Free-To-Play game at no cost, but pay for virtual products and services within the game. In November 2007, it successfully carried out an initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the ticker symbol “GA”.
For further information please contact:
Christian Tchorsch
Junior PR Manager
Neonga AG
mail: ctchorsch@neonga.com
Christian Tchorsch
Junior PR Manager
Neonga AG
Rosenthaler Str. 38
10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 24 628 32 -50
Fax: +49 30 24 628 32- 02
Mail: ctchorsch@neonga.com
Web: http://www.neonga.com