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Develop in Brighton opens submissions for indie games

New showcase planned for the best 10 games exhibiting the "indie spirit"

Indie developers are being called upon to submit games for the new Indie Showcase at this year's Develop in Brighton conference.

Due to run from July 20 to 21, the showcase will feature 10 unpublished, independently developed games chosen by a panel of experts. The panel will choose a winner, which will be announced alongside a People's Choice award on the 21st.

Each developer taking part in the showcase will be given two Indie Dev Day conference passes worth £150, up to five Expo passes, and a profile on the Develop Conference's website.

"The Indie Showcase is a fantastic opportunity for indie developers to show-off the talent and originality coming out of smaller studios. We urge everyone who qualifies to enter as it's free and games in the showcase will be seen by developers and publishers from all over the world," said organiser Andy Lane.

"So as well as raising the studio's profile there's always that chance they could leave Develop with a publishing deal," he added.

Entrants must have no more than 15 people employed at their studio and the games cannot be publisher-funded or have a budget of more than £1 million. Organisers also specify that each game must exhibit an 'indie spirit' to qualify.

Submissions must be made by May 20, with further information available at the official website.

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