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Devcom to return in 2018

Gamescom affiliated developer conference drew 3,000 visitors in its first year

The devcom, gamescom's game developer event, made a strong showing in its first year. More than 3,000 visitors came to participate in 140 sessions by more than 200 speakers. The attendance of more than 350 journalists from all around the world underlined the success of the international focus of the event. Aruba Events, Koelnmesse and BIU - the German Games Industry Association, have announced that devcom will return next year from August 19 to August 23.

Stephan Reichart, founder of Aruba Events, and Frank Sliwka, project lead for devcom, succeeded in convincing world class international games industry members such as Richard Garriott (Portalarium), Brendan Greene (Bluehole), Hendrik Klindworth (Innogames), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Enhance Games), Craig Morrison (Blizzard), Dean Takahashi (Venturebeat) or Tim Sweeney (Epic Games) to speak at the event, providing devcom attendees with unique insights into the world of game development as well as glimpses into the future oft he industry.

Felix Falk, managing director of BIU, said: "The inaugural devcom was a resounding success! With our flexible and innovative approach we managed to find a strong audience among game developers and made a great addition to the gamescom week. We look forward to build upon this success next year and use the feedback from this year to make devcom 2018 even better."

"The debut of devcom was a big success - it managed to take its place among the top developer conferences of the world. The devcom is an ideal strategic extension to the gamescom week and helped gamescom to strengthen its position as Europe's leading business platform for the games industry," added Katharina C. Hamma, managing director of koelnmesse GmbH.

Hans Ippisch, managing director of Aruba Events and CEO of Computec Media Group, also was very satisfied with the inaugural devcom and added "I would like to thank everybody who worked very hard to make this great debut of devcom possible, from my esteemed colleagues at Aruba Events to our partners at BIU and koelnmesse, to the member of the devcom advisory board, all speakers, sponsors and attendees."

The organizers of devcom confirm the return of the games industry event next year - devcom 2018 will take place in the halls of koelnmesse from August 19 to August 23.

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