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Denny: Move will "absolutely" sell PS3 consoles

Worldwide Studios Europe boss believes motion control system will enthuse both new and existing users

Sony Worldwide Studios European boss, Michael Denny, has told that he believes the forthcoming PlayStation Move motion control system will be instrumental in boosting sales of the PlayStation 3 when it's released later this year.

Speaking shortly after the brand was unveiled during a press conference in San Francisco last week, Denny explained that the release of Move echoed the business strategy previously seen on the company's last generation console.

"It's interesting - you look back at PlayStation 2 and it was about the same time in that console's life cycle that we started introducing new casual/social games and new interfaces, like SingStar, or Buzz!, or EyeToy before that," he said. "It's not new to PlayStation fans having physical gaming, or having new interfaces.

"If you look at where we are with PlayStation 3, and where we can get to, this new system that has genuine new appeal in both vision technology and motion technology - and the experiences it can bring - I think it really will not just attract new audiences to PlayStation, but re-excite some of the existing PlayStation fans in the experiences we can give them."

And when asked if the motion control system would boost hardware sales, or simply appeal to existing PS3 owners, he was very clear.

"It's going to do absolutely both of those things," he said. "If you've already got a PlayStation then it's a great additive experience. It can add to existing games, or existing franchises that people already know. We'll bring new IPs, new experiences for it - but as I said before, the stage we're at in the life cycle with PS3, it can help us broaden the audience now, as we'd expect to do at this time anyway."

The full interview with Michael Denny is available now.

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