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A guide for "noobs".

1. Where can I be returning to?

You are only be returned to Loa castle, Braiken castle, Deneb, and Parka Temple.

The return masters are delkador(Loa), Noire(Deneb), Berks(Braiken), and Kata(Parka).

2. Do potions stack up?

Potion in Dekaron can be stacked up to maximum 5 and it takes a slot of the inventory. Therefore bunch of potions will take most of your inventory for the most of time. One way to reduce its density is to buy cash potions or cash inventory(=Traveler’s Backpack).

3. Can item be separated?

Yes, potions, buff items, and so on can be separated as smaller as you want.

Just pressing SHIFT+MOUSE LEFT CLICK on the item will pop up a window for separation.

4. How to chat in yell/wisper/party/guild mode?

Yell(yellow) : !text

Wisper(red) : “ID text (only available in the same channel)

Party(blue) : ;text

Guild(light blue) : #text

5. My ID is disappeared. What to do?

Simply press ‘v’. :)

6. Can’t learn skills. Help!

You need to go visit your skill master in the town and purchase the skill book you want to learn. If your level is high enough and satisfy all the conditions, right clicking will allow you to learn a brand new skill!

7. I messed up my stats.

You can reset at free cost for the very first time, but you need to purchase such cash items as regenerator series to reset applicable stats.

8. I messed up my skill tree.

Likely resetting stats, you can reset your skill tree at free cost for the first time, but need to purchase applicable cash item.

9. How to sell useless items?

You can make a personal shop only in Loa castle and Braiken castle. You can pop up the personal shop window by pressing ‘/’. Basically 10 items are the maximum you can sell at a time. Click ‘open’ button to start selling. The amount of DIL gotten from the selling stays in the personal shop window, so you need to click ‘retrieve’ button to get it.

10. What is Agency and how to use it?

Agency is simply where you can see all the items registered to be sold by users in the same server. You do not need to do something special to register onto the agency. All the items on the personal shops are automatically registered and searchable. Agency is located in Loa and Braiken. HOWEVER, you cannot move a toe while you are selling. :P

11. Commission center?

Commission center is a wooden message board that sells quests. It gives DIL, adventure points, exp, or incar items as a reward after completing its quests.

The boards are located in Parca Temple, Draco Desert, Python Castle, Avalon Island, Tomb of the Black Dragon, Cursed Maze, and Space of Pilgrimage.

You can exchange the incar items w/ good stuff! :D For detail, search ‘commission quest reward exchange’ thread from Dekaron Guides and Tips! :D

12. I am dead by mobs. Any penalty?

Nope! XD no worry! LOL

No such penalty ever existed in Dekaron for any reasons.

13. My ID turns to red after killing users. How to recover?

Grats! You just become a Niete! LOL Niete means you are an EVIL! :P lol

At the bottom of the character window, you will notice that your PK point has been increased. These points are added every time you kill normal users, helion (white name). But it is okay to hit users w/ purple ID which indicates he/she is in battle status.

If your point is higher than 500, you will be automatically moved to jail when you try to return to town. The only way to escape the jail is to pay off your PK point w/ your DIL.

So you need to reduce the PK point down to 0 for becoming Helion which is normal status. (white color) there are 3 ways to do that.

1. Get killed by other users. – the best and the fastest way.

2. Spend time. – useful if pk point is low.

3. Play w/ White mobs(similar lvl) – not recommended.

14. How to make my items shiny?

Weapons shine when their sockets are fully loaded, and the color of light depends on the type of gems you used. If all the gems are the same type, rhombus will make orange light; pyramid cause blue; bead cause red; cube blue; sphere light blue; skull green; and crystal purple.

You can also make your weapon shiny by enchanting. From +1 to +6 causing weak silver light. Golden light is only shining for items enchanted more than +7.

Armors are only shine-able through enchanting.

15. What are 4 slots next to the helmet slot?

They are for mount, pet, wing, and veteran’s amulet.

16. What are 6 slots next to the armor and pants slots?

The upper 2 are for earrings and the bottom 4 are rings and necklaces.

17. How to enchant?

Blacksmith NPCs let you enchant your items, but you need argates and DIL to do it.

You need copper argates from +1 to +3, silver argates from +4 to +6, and gold argates from +7 to +9.

!! When fails to enchant, the enchant lvl will be back to +0 till +6; but the item breaks since +7.

Therefore you need to think seriously b4 enchanting. There is a cash item that boosts the chance of success, but don’t count on it too much.

18. What are the options of each item?

The number of options of weapon and armors are classified like this:

Magic – 1~2 options

Noble – 3 options

Divine noble – 4 options

Moreover, there will be additional options if you sockets gems into your item.

Especially for armors, there will be a special option for reaching +4 enchant.

Glove= critical chance

Pants= all the magic resistance

Boots= block chance

19. How to create options of item?

All the alchemists in every castle do create options to your item, and you need mavric and lots of DIL as meterials. All kinds of mavric are dropped from almost any monster in dekaron.

Pass mavric is needed to upgrade item to magic item, nium mavric for noble item, and tatum mavric for divine noble.

Creating option needs a lot of money so you need to consider if it is really needed to you. Cash item, alchemist’s will, doubles the chance of success but don’t count on it too much. :P

20. How to do socketing/unsocketing?

It is available to the alchemists in every castle with your gems. You can increase the success rate by 5% with a gem. You can try maximum 5 gems at a time. Obviously, cash item, soul of alchemist, is ready for you to boost the chance of success up!

Unsocketing means removing the present socket status. If success, all the gems in sockets are gone and there are only empty sockets.

You can increase the success rate by 3% with a gem (max. 5 gems) and cash item, gemcraft booster, boots the success rate up by 70% which means it is REQUIRED! ;(

Note: failing the unsocketing will remove the existing sockets, so you need to do socket all over again! LOL :(

21. What is Dead Front?

Dead Front is a dungeon that only be able to play 3 times a day for 30 minutes each. All users, not important wut lvl you are, can participate together, and it is almost essential for lvling fast.

22. What is Siege battle?

The siege battle is a battle btw guilds to take the ownership of a castle. The battle takes place at only server 1 and server 2 on every other Sunday, but you need to do the application ritual before participating. The winner of the battle takes the ownership of the castle and will defense the castle next time. Owning the castle allows you to earn decent amount of money from all the transactions in the server as tex.

You can watch other’s battle with purchasing 블라블라 although you are not participating.

23. What’s the difference btw ‘cash item super +potion’ and ‘normal +potion’?

The potions with a prefix ‘super’ is auto potion that heals you automatically when you are in danger, and the normal one manually works.

24. What items are not tradable?

There are many items that are not tradable, and basically ‘binded’ items can neither be traded nor be dropped. Some quest items and cash items such as mount, grown pet, and costume itmes are also one of them.

25. What are the best cash items for game play?

It depends on the purpose, but I recommend mounts, pet, and adventure’s backpack for convenient game play.

26. Can Veteran’s Amulet be hold for any moment?

No matter you are logged in or out, the time left for Veteran’s amulet will be spent (very quickly :P).

27. How to abandon/resign the accepted quests?

Open the quest window by pressing ‘Q’ and select the quest you wanna abandon. Click ‘Resign’ to abandon it. 

28. How to relocate skill slots, potion slots, and character info bar.

Click the tab on the right side of the frame and drag it to where you want it to be.

29. How to set up the chat window?

You can set up your chat window with a small square button on the upper right side. Just check the chat mode you want to be heard.

30. Is the mount only available for cash?

Nope! Although the unlimited mount is only available for cash, limited mount (30 days) is still available for DIL! :D you can exchange your 100 supplies to 1 피우마 and 10 피우마 can be exchanged with A

31. My account is hacked! :(

You need to talk about that with GM at the official forum 

32. How to farm money?

It’s hard to farm DIL in dekaron, but selling argates, enchanted items, acquired high lvl items are the usual way to farm. Selling buff food that’s exchanged with supplies, obsidian, magic gems are the one of the farming.

33. What level can I equip wings?

At lvl 102, you will get a quest from Hosea in the Parka Temple. You need 5M DIL to buy the wing 

34. How to change walk/run?

Press ‘R’ :D

35. Do all the quests MUST be done?

Most of them are optional. BUT decent reward helps lvling.

36. How to add friend?

Press ‘F’ to pop up messanger window and add your friend who is on the same server. You can only be able to see others online/offline due to interactive accepting. If one deletes you on his/her friend list, you cannot see him/her online/offline.

37. How to do the interactive functions?

You can see a small triangle on the right side of the target bar on the upper middle of the screen. Click it to see the interactive function menu. There are such functions as following, adding friend, trading, whispering, inviting party, calling a dual, inviting guild, and so on.

38. How to use mail box?

The mail boxes are usually located beside to the portal. You can send a letter or a parcel that items or DIL attached to others. Also you can pick up a cash item gifted from others from the mail box.

39. What is guild level?

Guild is raised by donating guild members’ adventure point. The maximum guild level is 3 and the lvl 3 guild is qualified to challenge the siege battle. But the maximum number of guild member stays. 

40. How to fishing?

First off, learn the fishing skill and get a finshing rod. And go to fishing zone in the Avalon Island, oasises in desert, or rivers in the castle. You better have at least Blue bear fishing rod which requires lvl 80, and Duron fishing rod which is exchangeable with obsidian is the best rod.

Fishes are classified in 3 levels and live in every other place. The most expensive fish is Malakaite which lives in the Avalon Island fishing zone and requires fishing skill lvl 4.

41. Any easy way to find the location of NPCs?

Press ‘M’ for a big map, and click ‘find NPC’ on the upper left corner of it. The NPC names in the map are listed in alphabetical order.

42. How to make a guild or join?

At lvl 50, you can make a guild by spending 1M DIL. Since guild master need to be over lvl 50, the one entrusted the guild master also need to be over lvl 50.

Creating/changing a guild mark costs 100,000 DIL and shiny effect is purchasable at the cash shop. No such limitation for guild member. Anyone, even lvl 1 user, can join any gulid.

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