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CoD 4 map tops US PSN downloads list

Sony unveils some the most popular content downloads via its online service

The most-downloaded piece of content of all time on Sony's PlayStation Network service is the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Variety Map, while the most-downloaded game is Pain.

That's according to statistics for the Network in the US, released by Sony and reported by Kotaku, which were correct as of January 22.

In the week previous, the most popular games were Super Streetfighter II: Turbo HD Remix, Mortal Kombat II and Suikoden, while the favourite demo was for Star Wars: The Force unleashed.

Meanwhile the most popular film of all time on the service was The Dark Knight, while recent favourites included Mirrors, Babyon AD and Max Payne.

The most-downloaded TV show of all time was Family Guy, while the previous week saw 24 Season 7 and Watchmen Motion Comic Season 1 top the list.

Sony also revealed that the most popular LittleBigPlanet costume was the Sack in the Box, while Home's favourites included the Hooded Top, the Resident Evil T-shirt and the Summer House.

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