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Club Penguin hosts $2 million charity event

Virtual coins to translate to real world funds as kids donate to good causes

Disney's Club Penguin will soon be hosting its fifth annual 'Coins for Change' program, in which players are asked to donate the virtual coins won playing games in the online world.

If players manage to fill a virtual island lighthouse with the coins then Disney has pledged to donate two million dollars to a selected charities. Each coin donated counts as a vote for one of the available good causes, spread across categories of medical care, safe place provision and earth protection.

"I am continuously amazed by the commitment and passion our players have for helping improve the lives of others," said executive VP of Disney Online studios Lane Merrifield.

"The Club Penguin community has already helped more than a million people all over the world through Coins for Change and I hope by doubling the donation, they can help even more."

Previous campaigns have helped over a million people in more than 40 countries, with 3 million children donating to last year's drive. This year's event will take place from December 15-27.

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