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"Climate Challenge" game wins European Green IT Award

Oxford-based games company scoops major award


March 17th 2008 - Red Redemption Ltd scooped the European Green IT Award presented by Pen Hadow, famed Arctic Explorer, at the Sheraton Hotel, London for best Green PR/Marketing Campaign 2008 against stiff competition from across Europe for their "Climate Challenge" game produced in association with the BBC and Oxford University. With over two million unique players around the world Climate Challenge has been a huge success originally running on science and nature website.

Climate Challenge broke new ground for serious games combining the climate science of Oxford University and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with a fun strategy game where players take "the hot seat" and attempt to guide Europe from 2000 to 2100 while all the time making choices that could make the difference between a safe or dangerous future for humanity. Climate Challenge is available to play for free on the new Makes You Think website: and a revised and enhanced second edition for 2008 will be available for sale for schools and businesses.

Gobion Rowlands, Climate Challenge producer and Chairman of Red Redemption says "We are excited that Climate Challenge has been recognised by the European Green IT Awards, this is a big deal for us as a small company competing against giants. We are very proud of the game, how many people it has reached and the feedback it has had. So far 2008 has been an exciting year for us with even bigger and better climate challenge games in development "

Climate change and our response to it are issues of vital importance to us all, affecting food production, water resources, ecosystems, energy demand, insurance costs and much else. There is a broad scientific consensus that the Earth will probably warm over the coming century and the Climate Challenge game allows players to simulate the consequences of climate change through the fun of computer games. Climate Challenge was used by the World Economic Forum in the run-up to Davos 2007 for training executives in risk management.

The choices made by each Climate Challenge player are the real ones that government also has to tackle. Can you juggle the demands of running a country? Can you deliver food, water, and clean energy for a hundred years? Would your ideas save the planet? Or will you just get voted out of power as you make the wrong choices?

Game URL:

European Green IT Awards Website:

Photos and screenshots available at:

Contact: Gobion Rowlands, Chairman

Red Redemption Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 596 160


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