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Cities: Skylines breaks Paradox sales records

250,000 copies sold, including pre-orders, in its first 24 hours

Urban sim Cities: Skylines has sold 250,000 copies, including pre-orders, in its first 24 hours on sale. The release sets new records for publisher Paradox Interactive.

"We would like to offer our deepest and heartfelt thanks to the community for their passionate support and to let them know that we are committed to supporting this wonderful game for years to come, in the same way that we have for our Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis communities," said Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester.

"Our congratulations and thanks must also go to developer Colossal Order for making what is being widely described as the new benchmark of the city building genre. We have forged a strong partnership with them over a number of years through the release of Cities in Motion and Cities in Motion 2, and I am happy to see such a talented team now being widely applauded for their unmatched passion and skill."

The game was released digitally on March 10 and received high marks from critics, currently holding a Metacritic score of 89.

"We at Colossal Order are absolutely thrilled to see so many players enjoying Cities: Skylines and that the Steam Workshop is filling up with amazing content from the modders," added Colossal Order CEO Mariina Hallikainen.

Paradox Interactive

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