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CEO of Channel 4 joins HMV board

Board reshuffled as senior independent director replaced and Andy Duncan becomes non-executive director

HMV has appointed Andy Duncan, chief executive of Channel 4, as its non-executive director effective immediately.

"I am very pleased to be joining the HMV Group board," said Duncan. "CEO Simon Fox and his team are executing a clear plan to improve and grow the business in changing markets, and I very much look forward to contributing to the Board as the next steps in the Group's transformation are charted."

The UK retailer added that Roy Brown, senior independent director, is set to step down from the board on April 22. Lesley Knox will take over Brown's role as well as become the chairman of the remuneration committee.

"We are delighted that Andy Duncan has agreed to join the Board of HMV Group," commented Robert Swannell, chairman.

"He brings a wealth of relevant experience, particularly in media businesses and their online and digital applications and in marketing and communications more generally; this will be a real asset as we address the next part of our strategic agenda.

"I would also like to place on record the Board's great appreciation for Roy Brown's contribution to the business over the period since the Group's flotation in 2002."

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