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Candy Labs veterans found Fracture Games in Brighton

World of Warriors core team returns to mobile development

Mark Knowles-Lee and Rob Minson have announced the formation of a new studio in Brighton, UK - Fracture Games. The pair, who previously headed up Mind Candy's Brighton studio Candy Labs, bring a few of their erstwhile colleagues with them to refocus on developing deep RPG titles for mobile.

The team last worked together on World of Warriors, getting the game live before Mind Candy made the decision to shut down Candy Labs as part of an extensive restructuring process. Now, the Fracture Team will continue to run World of Warriors live services, giving them a big headstart in the shape of a solid existing revenue stream to build the new firm around.

"The mobile market at large is now a mature one with quick bucks for inexperienced teams a thing of the past. We see this as a great opportunity to leverage our experience and lessons learned on the front line, to build on the world class tech and infrastructure that we have in place. Equally importantly, gamers are enjoying more complex, deeper and longer-lasting experiences on mobile. With fantasy strategy clones having run their course, the core gaming market on mobile is ready for a new wave of titles with higher quality, innovative mechanics and fresh settings. Fracture wants to be at the centre of this nascent market.

"Mobile play patterns from Asia are beginning to take off in the West and we see that as a sign that the next generation of mobile games have the potential to appeal on a truly global scale. Innovation, underpinned with proven systems, in games that are more lifestyle than distraction are our design philosophy. Jaw dropping visuals, moments that create word-of-mouth and a community that lives both in and out of the game are how we will underpin smart marketing to bring our games to the world."

The company will be setting up in Brighton, hoping to take advantage of the network of creative professionals in the city and bring further expertise to the studio.

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