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Browser-based BigWorld technology to debut at GDC Online

MMO creation suite now available in browsers

BigWorld Technology will be demonstrating its MMO software's newest incarnation as a browser-based plugin at GDC Online this year. The Web Player plug-in will support Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome and Safari.

The technology which will allow players to run all existing BigWorld MMOs in a browser via a plugin, as opposed to the standalone clients previously available.

Last year, BigWorld's technology was licensed by GungHo to power its revamped MMO Grandia Online and is also behind Stargate Worlds.

"The social and casual gaming markets present their own unique challenges - ideally you want to get the game content to the gamer in the quickest, hassle-free way and as cheaply as possible," said BigWorld's chief of technology Simon Hayes.

"The BigWorld Web Player brings the solid technology underlying numerous BigWorld Technology online games in the market today to a new arena - PC browsers, with a minimum of installation, security, or development overhead."

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