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Brains Eden

Your invite to a Sony-sponsored event later this month in Cambridge, UK bringing together educators and developers.

Ganes Eden Invite you to An Event from Games Eden and FDMX, The Film and Digital Media Exchange

6pm till 8pm 22nd January 2009

“Brains Eden”

Hosted by: Anglia Ruskin University and Sponsored by Sony Cambridge Studio.

Ruskin Lecture Theatre, Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT


A tete á tete between educators and developers

Games Eden has organised an exhibition of student work and a series of talks designed to bring the Education and Developer communities closer together. How we can improve the symbiosis between the Games Industry and Education/Training institutions? We’re asking Games companies and education/training providers to give short presentations and discuss new ways to supply the right kind of talent at the right time. There’s been more heat than light recently regarding training and education standards so we thought the time was right for both sides to meet up, explain and show what we do, and talk through key issues.

• How might the Industry help regional games education?

• How might Education tap into industry expertise better?

• What new tactics could be put in place for improving talent?

• How might Industry and Education address skills shortages?

The Brains Eden seminar will look at best practice and the barriers that stop Games Developers, Tutors and Students getting together more. Also, there will be a chance to see the Brains Eden exhibition afterwards.

THE BRAINS EDEN EXHIBITION (Open from 17th to 25th January)

Features a mix of work from games and other relevant courses across the region, with work from leading developers sprinkled in too.

We asked the main education providers in our region to present three students that they think represent their best practice- two from Games courses, if appropriate, and one from another (arts or science based) course, since the Games industry doesn’t just recruit from Games courses. Come and see what the region has to offer.

The BRAINS EDEN TALKS take place in Ruskin 203, overlooking the RUSKIN GALLERY, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY, (Collier Road entrance) 6 till 8pm


Games Eden is the regional digital creative networking organisation, chaired by Jeremy Cooke of Gameware Development Ltd. Games Eden support is delivered in partnership between: EEDA, East of England International (EEI), Screen East, Cambridge Wireless, EMMA, TIGA and FDMX.

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