Bonded Realities
Trailer released for turn-based RPG coming to Xbox LIVE Indie Games.
14 December 2010
Red Crest Studios, Brisbane, Australia
Red Crest Studios has released the debut trailer of Bonded Realities, a turn-based Role Playing game for Xbox LIVE Indie Games.
While this trailer showcases the game's polished machanics and smooth hand-drawn sprites, there are still many more unique types of areas, items and events not shown in the trailer to explore in the final title! The game itself, when released, will feature a memorable soundtrack, tons of jokes, and inventive enemy designs.
I'm not kidding about that last point. Some of the enemies you'll encounter include smug farm animals, mathematicians, psychic octopi, teapots, musical serpents and much more...
Development of Bonded Realities began July 2010 and is due to be released in January 2011.
The trailer is available for viewing at
Red Crest Studio's website is