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Blossom Pink PSP trounces DS in Japan

New colour variant sees big boost for Sony's portable console

Sales of the PSP in Japan almost doubled this week, following the release of a new "Blossom Pink" hardware colour.

As a result the PSP shot past the Nintendo DS in terms of weekly sales, with a total of 66,083 units sold - including 1,275 of the PSPgo.

Despite new title Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light at number one in the software charts, DS sales still saw a decrease on the previous week, down just over 2000 units to 42,944 (DSi XL: 23,611, DSi: 15,017, DS Lite: 4,316).

The Wii was again the number one selling home console, although it too saw a small decline of a few thousand units to 33,880.

In fourth place PlayStation 3, which has two titles in the software charts this week, saw sales rise by around 1000 units to 28,824 units.

The Xbox 360 brought up the rear with 2764 units sales, with the PlayStation 2 just behind on 1839 units.

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