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Blizzard plays down talk of China issues

World of Warcraft developer insists game "continues to operate as normal"

Blizzard has responded to the news that the Chinese government is set to crack down on foreign online games by playing down its significance and insisting that everything working towards the launch of the Lich King expansion to World of Warcraft in the region is proceeding normally.

"As a matter of practice, we don't comment on rumours and speculation," the company replied to "World of Warcraft continues to operate as normal in mainland China, and we're continuing to work with our local partner, The9, toward the launch of Wrath of the Lich King there.

"An official announcement will be made once it's ready to go."

Previously the Digital Publishing Bureau director, Kou Xiaowei, had apparently named World of Warcraft specifically as one of the "influential" games that the new processes were to target.

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