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BioWare helps raise USD 500,000 for children's hospital

Software developer BioWare showed its continued support for the local community by hosting the first annual Miracle Builders Breakfast to raise funds for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Game developer BioWare has shown its continued support for the local community in its home province of Alberta, Canada, by hosting the first annual Miracle Builders Breakfast to raise funds for the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation.

The company presented a sizeable donation which, together with support from other local businesses in Alberta, Canada, achieved the hospital's goal of raising USD 500,000 in one hour. Funds will be used by the hospital to purchase a piece of vital operating room equipment - an Intra-Operative MRI.

The Intra-Operative MRI will provide paediatric surgeons with an accurate map of internal organs; preventing the need for additional surgery should any abnormalities or defects be discovered.

"BioWare has always been dedicated to supporting children's health and welfare," said Ray Muzyka, one of BioWare's Joint CEOs. "The Miracle Builders Breakfast, for the Stollery Children's Hospital, will raise money to help a tremendous number of sick children."

The Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation is a non profit organisation, arranging a number of events within the community and seeking support from local businesses to raise funds for vital medical equipment and hospital resources.

Greg Zeschuk, BioWare's other Joint CEO said: "Supporting our local community through events like this one is very important to BioWare. The company has been involved with the Stollery Hospital for a number of years, and it was an honour for us to continue that support and host the breakfast fundraiser. We are extremely happy to support children's health care at such a great event."

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