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Battleground Zero's Official Launch Date Announced!

July 1st 2005: Today Battleground Zero ( is pleased to announce the official launch of the tournament system. Players have the opportunity to compete in single and team based tournaments on Xbox Live for fame, glory, and awesome prizes. The current line up of tournaments for cash prizes include Halo 2, Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, Counter-Strike, Ghost Recon 2, MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf, Unreal 2: The Liandri Conflict, Doom 3, Madden NFL 2005, NBA Live 2005, Dead or Alive Ultimate, Project Gotham Racing 2 and Need for Speed Underground 2.

Battleground Zero began several years back hosting land based tournaments throughout the United States. Our purpose was to provide each participant a unique and secure atomosphere to compete in tournaments for cash and prizes. We strived to offer the best setting possible by providing each participant an adequate arena and the right equipment. We now have expanded our services online to offer you the gamer a fair and unique online setting to participate in Xbox Live Tournaments for cash and prizes.

Battleground Zero provides a distinctive array of tournaments planned for the months to come, with major tournaments per week from a variety of titles. These tournaments will have a cash payout of up to $5,120.00 per tournament, with first, second and third place prizes.

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