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Battlefield 3 360 servers wavering under assault

Gamers reporting connection problems as EA/DICE work fixes

Gamers have been reporting problems connecting to multiplayer games of Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360 after its US launch last night, problems which EA and DICE have been hard at work to fix.

Battlefield 3's beta was downloaded, according to EA, by over nine and a half million people across all platforms, but the stress testing of that experience seems to have not prepared the servers for yesterday's load.

Battlefield 3's official Twitter feed reported the problems as fixed over seven hours ago, but many users are still experiencing difficulty in accessing multiplayer sessions.

DICE's community manager Daniel Matros reported a further fix just over an hour ago.

Battlefield 3 launches in the UK and Europe on Friday. For a round up of the game's critical reception, read our summary here.

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