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BAF 08 unveils videogames events

National Media Museum set to host free panel discussions and Big Screen Gaming activity

A series of videogames focused events have been detailed for the Bradford Animation Festival, at the National Media Museum's Pictureville, set to take place over November 13-14.

The first day of the free event, run by Game Republic, will see speakers discuss 'realism in games', and the relative importance of being realistic or non-realistic. Chairing the event will be Game Republic's Jamie Sefton, while the speakers include Ivan Pedersen from Geomerics, Margaret Robertson, a freelance games writer, Peter Cowling of the University of Bradford and Alex Amsel from Tuna Technologies.

In addition to this, the second day, Big Screen Gaming, will feature playable console games projected onto the Museum's state-of-the-art digital projector, accompanied by surround sound.

"On Friday, 14 November, BAF Game 08 features talks from Ian Bowden, Art Director of Rockstar Leeds, and Tara Saunders and Dan Bardino from the Art team at Sony's London game studio," said Tom Woolley, director of BAF Game.

"We will also be screening controversial new documentary Playing Columbine, a film that explores the creation of a game that re-enacts the Columbine high school shooting," Tom added.

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Screen Yorkshire's Emma Cheshire, accompanied by director Danny Ledonne, over live video chat, to explore the questions raised by the film.

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