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Anarchy Enterprises announces "Hell Tycoon"

Anarchy Enterprise's has confirmed "Hell Tycoon" -kept secret- deep down in the dark guts of their game vault for some time now. "It's just time to set our demons free," said Bill Wallace. "It started off as a joke. You know, what will they come up with next - Hell Tycoon? Then one of the artists made some kind of hell-spawned creation and stuck it into one of our other tycoon games. It was running around breathing fire on all the happy little tycoon village people, and we all had a laugh. Next week someone else took it a step further and there was a lake of fire, and we had another laugh. This goofing around went on for a few months - until one day we were looking at each other and saying, hey - this isn't a joke anymore - this is freakin' awesome!"

While specific details are still shrouded in mystery, at least the following is certain: You are in charge of tormenting damned souls on all 9 circles of Hell. The souls (bad little sims) are running around trying to repent for their sins on the chance they might make it to Heaven, but you've got to make sure that doesn't happen. No - they need to be punished... in the lake of fire... for eternity! (insert diabolical laughter here) Your job is to see to it they get a good and fitting eternal damnation for their earth-bound evil-doings.

As in any tycoon game, you expect a nice variety of buildings. In Hell Tycoon, buildings are torture devices, plain and simple. And who better to subject to a generous helpings of depraved and merciless horrors, than a cast of villains including Lawyers, Terrorists and Nazis. (Who could get tired of torturing Nazis?) In the end, success is measured by distributing pain and grinding the damned into an eternity of terror. Said Bill Wallace, "Nobody goes to Heaven on my watch!"

Hell Tycoon is slated for release on June 6, 2006.

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