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An incredible journey through four great mythologies

The Source of Evil

Seth, the god of chaos and evil, has lain dormant for eons. Lead by Osiris, the Egyptian gods overpowered the chaotic god, casting him into his confines. Sealed deep within this tomb, Seth's days of vengeance disappeared into the realms of myth. Now, Seth has broken free and is determined to exact revenge and vent his anger upon the world. His destructive plans have been aided by his discovery of the paths which cross from one mythology to another. Each world has stood isolated since the beginning of time, but now Seth, at the head of an army of disciples, aims to conquer all.

The adventure begins in the world of the chosen hero. Time and again the hero will be confronted by deities allied to Seth, and each time the hero must overcome these unlawful beings. The hero is then free to choose their route through the remaining worlds, hot on the trail of Seth. Once all of Seth's allies are defeated, the hero will find himself head-to-head with the overseer of evil in the final battle that will bring the scourge of Seth to an end, once and for all.

An epic adventure

Battle a multitude of enemies, with hundreds of creatures and opponents of every kind created for the game. Fight your way past skeletons, giant spiders, centaurs, mummies, harpies, wild animals, and numerous soldiers, culminating in showdowns with formidable bosses such as Medusa, Fenrir the wolf or Fafnir the dragon. Each character enemy has a particular way of fighting, with weak points that can be exploited to bring victory to our hero.

Advancement through the game yields thousands of items to collect and trade, including 500 unique objects, such as Thor's hammer or Achilles' armour.

The player's character evolves by completing quests and destroying enemies along the way. Weapons and armour that are acquired can be customised at a blacksmith's workshop, improving technical or magical properties and, in doing so, creating original items of great value.

Each of the four worlds immerses the player in a great historical or mythological event, including the siege of Troy, the Spanish invasion of Central America, Ragnarok, and others. There are also many encounters with characters of legend, including Achilles, Thor, Akhenaton and Cortes.

Whichever hero is adopted, the aim is to come to the aid the gods. It will soon become clear that the world is under great threat since Seth returned to life. In order to put an end to Seth's planned domination, the hero will undertake a terrifying voyage through an ever-changing myriad of environments (guaranteed by the random generation of levels), ensuring infinite replayability.

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